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Unit E, Corinthian Office Park
17 Corinthian Drive, Albany 0632
Auckland, New Zealand

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Pastoral care and support

Congratulations on your decision to study at Strategi Institute. Whether it’s academic support, orientation, or health and wellbeing, we’re here to make your study experience a positive one.

At Strategi Institute we take your physical and emotional health seriously – we genuinely care about your mental and physical safety and want to see you succeed. 

While studying with us, you can be assured that this is a place where:

  • We co-operate with each other and learn from our mistakes.
  • We respect the views and beliefs of others.
  • Cultural difference is valued.
  • It’s okay to change your mind.
  • Discussions are confidential so we can share without fear.

In January 2022, the New Zealand government implemented the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code) that fully supports our values and approach to learning. 

The Code sets out the roles and responsibilities of tertiary education organisations (TEOs) in promoting and supporting your wellbeing, development, and educational achievement. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) has developed videos to help you understand the Code and its relevance to you.

The Code has 12 outcomes, four of which apply to your learning at Strategi Institute.

  • Outcome 1: A learner wellbeing and safety system

“Providers must take a whole-of-provider approach to maintain a strategic and transparent learner wellbeing and safety system that responds to the diverse needs of their learners.”

  • Outcome 2: Learner voice

“Providers understand and respond to diverse learner voices and wellbeing and safety needs in a way that upholds their mana and autonomy.”

  • Outcome 3: Safe, inclusive, supportive and accessible physical   and digital learning environments

“Providers must foster learning environments that are safe and designed to support positive learning experiences of diverse learner groups.”

  • Outcome 4: Learners are safe and well

“Providers must support learners to manage their physical and mental health through information and advice, and identify and respond to learners who need additional support.”

We have many ways of supporting the Code outcomes. We are agile and small enough to tailor solutions to your needs – whatever they may be.


We complete a self-review annually to assess our performance against the Code. This involves a process of gathering, analysing, and summarising data, completing a gap analysis, answering key evaluative questions, compiling evidence, developing an action plan for identified improvements, and producing a self-review report.

Click here to view our self-review report.


We value feedback from all learners, employers, our staff, and other stakeholders. We regularly seek that input to identify areas for improvement and ensure we are improving the areas that matter to you.

We provide multiple ways for you to contact us so you can choose whichever channel you are most comfortable with:

  • Feedback surveys at the end of each course.
  • The consultation stage of our annual strategic goals and plans review process.
  • In addition to the above, click here to contact us any time.

While it’s always good to receive positive feedback, we also understand the importance of lessons learned through complaints.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see some of the positive feedback we’ve received recently.

Strategic, responsive, relevant and transparent

Our strategic goals and plans put your best interests first and we continually review and update policies and procedures so that you have the safe and secure learning environment you deserve.

You can read our strategic goals and plans at any time, and if you’d like to participate in our annual review, just let us know.

We constantly assess what our students need, and our sister company, Strategi Compliance, ensures the programme content and approaches are relevant to meet the industry’s needs.

It’s all about you

The support we offer isn’t just restricted to when you ask for it. We proactively identify and monitor academic and pastoral care needs on a daily basis.

When you request support, or we identify a need, we work with you to determine what is required for your success. 

We understand it may have been a while since you participated in tertiary education. All of our students are adult learners, and 80% of them work full-time, so we have a range of individual support, including:

  • Assistance with building a study plan.
  • Regular check-ins with you to keep on track.
  • Help with future study and career pathways.
  • A dedicated team to assist if you are struggling.
  • Free assignment support sessions via Zoom.
  • Private coaching either through Zoom or face-to-face.
  • A resource called Strategies for study to help you adjust to tertiary study and manage work, life, and study balance.
  • Guidance and support outside our expertise from other sources we cultivate.
Our people

So that we can maintain robust wellbeing and safety systems, and respond to the diverse needs of our learners, we regularly train our staff in areas such as mental health awareness, Māori culture, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles.

Our facilitators and assessors continuously upskill and undertake other activities, such as peer reviews, to ensure consistency and certainty in providing you with the best training experience. The Strategi Institute Code of Conduct and Standards for Facilitators and Assessors sets out the high standards for ethical behaviour and effective training practices.

Positive feedback

As the saying goes, satisfied clients are an organisation’s best advertisement. Below is some feedback from our students.

 “[What I liked most about the course was] the way it has been put together. I left school with no high school education and so was a wee nervous in attempting these qualifications. However, the way it has been put together really works and I really enjoyed it, in fact so much so I feel I want to keep going. Also, I think [assessor] was absolutely awesome. She really made me feel good once I was successful which gave me confidence. “ 

“It is a logical and relevant guide through the regulatory framework and the environment we operate within in New Zealand.”

“I found the Radar online portal to be very good and user friendly and was consistently stable when I was accessing it.”

“Staff and Assessors were very approachable and helpful.”

“I liked everything from the course, the pace of learning, the collaboration and [facilitator]’s ability to really make you feel connected and contribute no matter what your knowledge was. I am getting a bit older and have sat through many training courses, this would be the most enjoyable because of my industry knowledge and [facilitator]’s background, knowledge, and facilitation skills.”

Our Candidate Guidelines provide information on our learning contract, health and safety procedures, special needs, plus community and guidance. We encourage all prospective learners to read this document, as it assists us in maintaining a safe, supportive environment.

Throughout your journey with us, we are here for guidance and support, and we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Strategi Institute Code of Standards for Facilitators and Assessors

This Code sets out the high standards for ethical behaviour that are expected of all Strategi Institute

Candidate guidelines

Every student enrolling with us must agree and adhere to the our candidate guidelines.

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